Colourful Tarantulas



                                                Poecilotheria Metallica

Poecilotheria Metallica ( Gooty Sapphire Ornamental ) reflects beautiful metallic blue colour.
It is found in central India. P.Metallica was first found in the town Gooty. They are highly endangered and are only found in small areas. They normally live in trees in forests. Females can live to about 12 years. They can live three or 4 more times than males. They measure 15 cm to 20 cm ( 6 to 8 inch )
In the United States they sometimes cost over $500.
Spiderlings cost over $200. They are very expensive because they are nearly extinct.
Their habitat is being destroyed by people chopping down trees.
They are a highly aggressive species. They won't hesitate to bite if threatened. They are able to eat crickets and common fruit flys when they are young. When they are fully grown adults they can eat mice or anole.
There has never been a recorded human death from any tarantula. They move quickly and they can defend themselves when they are cornered but they are more likely to run away then to fight. If you get bitten by this tarantula you'll be sweating, having a headache, cramping, swelling and stinging. These effects can last for a week.                                                    

Click here to see a tarantula vs a mouse

Poecilotheria Regalis

Poecilothera Regalis ( Indian Ornamental ) are found in the west of India and they can reach about 7 inches  ( 18 ). These tarantulas are also very expensive because they are rare.
In the wild these tarantulas live in holes in tall trees. They are very agressive and defencive spider species.
They may attack when they are cornered. 

Click here for Poecilotheria Regalis feeding



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